Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jessika's Birthday Invitations {Las Vegas Baby/Children's Photographer}

Oh how I thought I would get a million great pictures of my little princess!

How wrong I was!!!

She's mobile now, and that means she won't sit still for my pictures. I have plenty with her hand in my face or of her little bum, but not a single one where she's looking at me smiling all precious-like in the same spot where I put her.

Out of over 100 shots I took for this, only maybe 5 were decent. Note that I didn't say good or great.

No smiles, and the only reason she stayed in the same place was because she didn't like the grass.

It turned out pretty good, but not they way my Mommy-mind imagined.

I guess it's just the beginning and I'll have to get used to it. :-)

But you know what, she still pretty stinkin' cute!


Anonymous October 18, 2011 at 2:35 PM  

So cute!!!

Anonymous October 18, 2011 at 2:36 PM  

It's not anonymous. It's Jennifer McDonald but I can't figure out how to put my name. I LOVE her birthday invite!

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